Low Loss Liquid Helium Cryostats

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Cryogenic Ltd. offers a complete range of standard low-loss helium cryostats to suit every application. The modular designed cryostats are offered with both gas and liquid nitrogen cooled radiation shields. Both bucket and reservoir styles are available. The standard range is assembled using stainless steel providing the benefit of rugged lightweight construction and low helium loss. If required glass fibre construction is offered as an alternative.

Standard models have a 1250 mm internal depth and 1350 mm overall height. Liquid nitrogen cooled shielding is available for all models where minimum consumption is a priority.

Optical access into the reservoir cavity is available in various configurations. Window materials are chosen to ensure maximum transmission at specific frequencies.   A wide range of window diameters is available, typically from 10 mm to 25 mm.

In addition to our standard range Cryogenic manufactures custom cryostats for special applications including bio-magnetism, beamline experiments, MRI, and Mineral Separation.

The cryostat is fitted with Helium and nitrogen level gauges (optional), temperature sensors and a heater at the base of the vessel to remove nitrogen on precooling.

Key Features

• Stainless steel helium vessel
• Liquid nitrogen cooled radiation shield
• Gas cooled secondary radiation shield
• Optimized multi layer superinsulation
• Aluminum outer vacuum vessel.
• Over pressure relief valve
• Bellows sealed vacuum evacuation valve
• Optional top loading or Integrated Variable Temperature Inserts available for measurements between 1.6 to 400 K


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