Split Pair Magnet Systems
Cryogenic Ltd. is the world leader in helium free magnet technology and has been successfully delivering this technology for over 10 years.
The Cryogen Free technology allows magnets with a wide range of fields and dimensions to be built, without the need of liquid cryogens. Magnetic fields up to 16T are supplied for general research purposes as well as for industrial applications, all using the same method of refrigeration.
The cooling for the magnet is provided by a standard cryocooler with a base temperature of approximately 6K. In particular very large volumes of medium strength magnetic fields can be produced. For instance, a magnet with a working volume of 750mm diameter by 1 meter length and a field of 0.5 Tesla has already been produced. In contrast small bore (typically 50mm) magnets can be produced to generate very strong fields up to and exceeding 16T.
Key Benefits
Low operating costs as expensive liquid cryogens are not required for cool down.
Ease of use as specialist knowledge is not required to operate the system. Simply switch on the cryogenerator, wait for it to reach operating temperature and the system is ready to use.
Fast Ramping Capability is achieved by using a thermal reservoir to extract excess heat generated by flux flow in the superconductor while sweeping the field up and down.
Rotation of the magnet is possible when mounted on a special frame, allowing the magnet to work in any orientation even while it is at field.
Easy access to the field centre is possible as without the liquid reservoirs the magnet enclosure is very small.
Low maintenance as there are no liquid reservoirs surrounding the magnet to cause leakage problems.